Leather Samples for your Chesterfield sofa

No doubt the choice of leather is one of the most important criteria for the Chesterfield sofa. Here it is important to make the best possible choice, whether for the traditional rub off style or something completely different. Order some leather samples for your Chesterfield sofa and convince yourself of our leather quality. For our Chesterfield sofas, armchairs, chairs and more we only use the best full leather such as natural semi-aniline leather. Unlike some other traders we do not use pull-up leather as well. Quality and tradition are the key values for our Chesterfield furniture, especially concerning the leather. We will glady refund you the price of the sample if you choose one of our Chesterfield products afterwards. You will then be convinced that our Chesterfield furniture is made only of finest leather. And you know that you will get exactly the Chesterfield sofa that you want.

Chesterfield Furniture – highly individual

Our Chesterfield furniture can be created individually. You choose the size and shape of the sofa, the wood, the number of buttons, the rivets and above all: the leather. For your Chesterfield sofa you can choose from our wide range of samples to decide which leather you would prefer in which color. The colours and tones are black, white, brown, red, green blue, cream or anything in between: Here you will surely find your favorite leather. Furthermore you can choose from a variety of leather types, all of them are prestigious leathers from Italy: Birch, Birch Antique, Newcastle, Old English, Selvaggio and Vele. The last two leather types are very special prime leathers which can be purchased for a small percentage of surcharge. Anyway, we guarantee that our Chesterfield furniture is individual and high quality.

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