Custom-Made Chesterfield Furniture - Create Your Chesterfield

No matter if you would like to purchase a sofa, an armchair or a chair. Due to our connection to England, where traditional Chesterfield furniture is made by hand, we can satisfy nearly every wish. You are free to customize the dimensions, the leather type and colour, the amount of buttons and the wood for your Chesterfield furniture. We offer the choice between a hard, a medium and a soft upholstery. You want a Chesterfield sofa in an unusual colour, or a corner sofa that matches your old favorite armchair? You need a slightly wider or a slightly higher office chair? Nevermind, we can create this for you. We also offer custom designs for corner sofas and office chairs. So that you can find your matching Chesterfield furniture for every interior style and taste.

"Victorian" Chesterfield Sofa

"Victorian" Chesterfield Sofa

Artikel: cf1006

EUR 3.890,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 10 Wochen

"Drop-Arm" Chesterfield Sofa

"Drop-Arm" Chesterfield Sofa

Artikel: cf2006

EUR 4.090,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--


"Director" Chesterfield  Drehstuhl

"Director" Chesterfield Drehstuhl

Artikel: IC0844

EUR 1.890,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--


Chesterfield Two-Seater, Chesterfield Three-Seater and Chesterfield Four-Seater

Put together your new living room interior with a beautiful Chesterfield two-seater, a Chesterfield three-seater or even a Chesterfield four-seater. It all depends on the available space in your room, and on your personal preferences of course. The Chesterfield three-seater matches well with a wing chair or a club chair in the same leather color. So do the Chesterfield two-seater and four-seater. You can place a Chesterfield two-seater opposite another to create a classical British symmetry. If you have enough space you can do this with the Chesterfield three-seater as well. If you want something extraordinary large, we can even create a Chesterfield sofa with five or more seats.


Chesterfield sofas in a variety of designs

Whether you want the classic Victorian Chesterfield sofa, the Rayne Settee sofa, or the Churchill two-seater, we have many very different Chesterfield furniture models in stock, all of them are made by our professional handcrafting partner in England. The delivery time is usually six to eight weeks from the order date. It takes a while because your sofa is made individually in England, with all your wishes and of course only from high quality materials before it is delivered. Keep this in mind: You will receive your ideal, customized Chesterfield sofa which satisfies all your wishes – only within two months.

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