Antiques tell stories

Furniture from discounters and standard furniture shops are too boring for you and you would prefer individuality and special flair?  Then this is the right address for you. We offer beautiful and well-kept antiques and English furniture, furniture that tell a story. Unfortunately, not many people recognize the true value of an antique in nowadays throwaway-society. English antiques, reasonably restored and well-preserved, are true eye-catchers and create a cozy and individual atmosphere. The charme of old furniture, which has developed among so many years, can not be surpassed. Not only collectors and lovers of antiques enjoy a variety of design options. Even younger people can create a nice modern living atmosphere with lovely antiques. The use of antiques to create a home does not have to be a museum, as the combination of new and old furniture can create an extraordinary living experience.

Antike elegante Mahagoni Kommode mit Messinggriffen – Spätes 18. Jahrhundert

Antike elegante Mahagoni Kommode mit Messinggriffen – Spätes 18. Jahrhundert

Artikel: WH250116_125

EUR 1.490,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Antiker viktorianischer Mahagoni Beistelltisch mit klappbaren Seitenteilen und Schublade

Antiker viktorianischer Mahagoni Beistelltisch mit klappbaren Seitenteilen und Schublade

Artikel: WHJK250116_124

EUR 1.850,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Englischer Regency Pembroke Tisch aus Mahagoni – Antiker Klapptisch 19. Jh.

Englischer Regency Pembroke Tisch aus Mahagoni – Antiker Klapptisch 19. Jh.

Artikel: WHJK250116_123

EUR 1.890,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Antike Englische Mahagoni Kommode – Eleganz aus der viktorianischen Epoche

Antike Englische Mahagoni Kommode – Eleganz aus der viktorianischen Epoche

Artikel: WH241209_104

EUR 2.850,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

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Antiker Art Deco Couchtisch mit Intarsien aus Mahagoni; Erweiterbarer Nesting Tables 4 Stück

Antiker Art Deco Couchtisch mit Intarsien aus Mahagoni; Erweiterbarer Nesting Tables 4 Stück

Artikel: WHJK250116_122

EUR 1.890,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Viktorianische Nachttische antik, Nachtschrank antik, ein Paar antike Nachtschränke, antike Beistelltische aus England

Viktorianische Nachttische antik, Nachtschrank antik, ein Paar antike Nachtschränke, antike Beistelltische aus England

Artikel: WHJK250116_121

EUR 1.450,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Antiker Spieltisch, Victorian Games Table, Spieltisch für Erwachsene 19. Jh., Mahagoni Spieltisch aus England

Antiker Spieltisch, Victorian Games Table, Spieltisch für Erwachsene 19. Jh., Mahagoni Spieltisch aus England

Artikel: WH241204_101

EUR 2.250,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Antike Mahagoni Kommode im georgianischen Stil, original Messinggriffe, handgefertigt in England

Antike Mahagoni Kommode im georgianischen Stil, original Messinggriffe, handgefertigt in England

Artikel: WH241204_100

EUR 1.390,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Antike Edwardian Mahagoni Vitrine – Einzigartiger Vitrinenschrank, Edwardian Display Cabinet, Mahogany Showcase

Antike Edwardian Mahagoni Vitrine – Einzigartiger Vitrinenschrank, Edwardian Display Cabinet, Mahogany Showcase

Artikel: WH241204_99

EUR 2.350,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Victorian Satz von 6 Shield-Back Dining Chairs, Hepplewhite Stil Esszimmerstühle, antike Stühle 6er Satz, England 19. Jh.

Victorian Satz von 6 Shield-Back Dining Chairs, Hepplewhite Stil Esszimmerstühle, antike Stühle 6er Satz, England 19. Jh.

Artikel: WHD241115_84

EUR 3.950,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Edwardian Wardrobe ca. 1900, antiker Kleiderschrank, Mahagoni Kleiderschrank aus England

Edwardian Wardrobe ca. 1900, antiker Kleiderschrank, Mahagoni Kleiderschrank aus England

Artikel: WH241106_72

EUR 2.250,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Englischer Mahagoni Esstisch, regency dinning table, Original Esstisch

Englischer Mahagoni Esstisch, regency dinning table, Original Esstisch

Artikel: WHD241028_67

EUR 2.650,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Frühes 19. Jh. Mahagoni Nest of Tables mit Intarsien, 4er Set, Antiker Beistelltisch aus England

Frühes 19. Jh. Mahagoni Nest of Tables mit Intarsien, 4er Set, Antiker Beistelltisch aus England

Artikel: WHD241011_36

EUR 1.890,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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5 Viktorianische Mahagoni Balloon Back Chairs, 5er Satz antike Esszimmerstühle, Balloon Stuhl aus England, Victorian Dining Chair, Chesterfield Stuhl

5 Viktorianische Mahagoni Balloon Back Chairs, 5er Satz antike Esszimmerstühle, Balloon Stuhl aus England, Victorian Dining Chair, Chesterfield Stuhl

Artikel: WHD241011_38

EUR 2.790,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Edwardian Music Cabinet, antiker Musikschrank, kleine antike Kommode, Mahagoni Kommode aus England

Edwardian Music Cabinet, antiker Musikschrank, kleine antike Kommode, Mahagoni Kommode aus England

Artikel: WH241106_73

EUR 1.490,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

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Offenes Bücherregal aus Mahagoni, Hochwertiges Open Book Case

Offenes Bücherregal aus Mahagoni, Hochwertiges Open Book Case

Artikel: WH241111_77

EUR 1.290,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Edwardian Mahogany Ladies Desk – kleiner Antiker englischer Schreibtisch aus Mahagoni, antiker Schreibtisch mit Ledereinlage

Edwardian Mahogany Ladies Desk – kleiner Antiker englischer Schreibtisch aus Mahagoni, antiker Schreibtisch mit Ledereinlage

Artikel: WHD241028_68

EUR 2.250,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Open Bookcase aus Mahagoni, englisches Bücherregal mit Intarsien, höhenverstellbaren Böden, Bandintarsien

Open Bookcase aus Mahagoni, englisches Bücherregal mit Intarsien, höhenverstellbaren Böden, Bandintarsien

Artikel: WHD241028_64

EUR 1.490,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Großer Regency Mahagoni Esstisch mit 3 Einlegeplatten – Ausziehbarer Antiker Tisch aus England um 1820

Großer Regency Mahagoni Esstisch mit 3 Einlegeplatten – Ausziehbarer Antiker Tisch aus England um 1820

Artikel: WHD241025_63

EUR 8.490,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Set of 8 Regency Dining Chairs – 6 Esszimmerstühle + 2 Armlehnstühle aus massivem Mahagoni mit Chesterfield-Ledersitz, antike Stühle im Regency-Stil, späte 19. Jahrhundert

Set of 8 Regency Dining Chairs – 6 Esszimmerstühle + 2 Armlehnstühle aus massivem Mahagoni mit Chesterfield-Ledersitz, antike Stühle im Regency-Stil, späte 19. Jahrhundert

Artikel: WHD241025_60

EUR 5.950,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Viktorianischer Kleiderschrank antik, Victorian Linnenpress, Englischer Kleiderschrank, Mahagoni Schrank 19 Jh.

Viktorianischer Kleiderschrank antik, Victorian Linnenpress, Englischer Kleiderschrank, Mahagoni Schrank 19 Jh.

Artikel: WH241001_32

EUR 2.890,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Antike Art Déco Vitrine aus England ca. 1930 – Original Mahagoni Vitrinenschrank mit Glasfront, Queen Anne Füße

Antike Art Déco Vitrine aus England ca. 1930 – Original Mahagoni Vitrinenschrank mit Glasfront, Queen Anne Füße

Artikel: WHD241023_57

EUR 2.250,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Vintage Französischer Landhausstil Kleiderschrank Armoire, weiß gewaschen Shabby Chic Schrank, 19. Jahrhundert Normandie Hochzeitsschrank

Vintage Französischer Landhausstil Kleiderschrank Armoire, weiß gewaschen Shabby Chic Schrank, 19. Jahrhundert Normandie Hochzeitsschrank

Artikel: WH241023_59

EUR 1.650,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Antike Edwardian Mahagoni Vitrine, ca. 1900 – Hochwertiges Display Cabinet im englischen Stil, antike Vitrine, edwardian Showcase

Antike Edwardian Mahagoni Vitrine, ca. 1900 – Hochwertiges Display Cabinet im englischen Stil, antike Vitrine, edwardian Showcase

Artikel: WH241106_71

EUR 2.690,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

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Grandfather Clock by Merrison, James A. of Loddon – Viktorianische Massivholz Standuhr, antike Uhr aus England, antike Standuhr

Grandfather Clock by Merrison, James A. of Loddon – Viktorianische Massivholz Standuhr, antike Uhr aus England, antike Standuhr

Artikel: WH241106_74

EUR 6.890,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

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Antiker französischer Nachttisch aus Nussbaum mit Marmorplatte – Beistelltisch aus massivem Holz mit Schublade und Stauraum, ca. 1920

Antiker französischer Nachttisch aus Nussbaum mit Marmorplatte – Beistelltisch aus massivem Holz mit Schublade und Stauraum, ca. 1920

Artikel: WH240930_30

EUR 590,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Regency Beistelltisch Gillows Style Whatnot, kleiner antiker Tisch auf Rollen, Massivholz Mahagoni Serviertisch, antiker Nachttisch

Regency Beistelltisch Gillows Style Whatnot, kleiner antiker Tisch auf Rollen, Massivholz Mahagoni Serviertisch, antiker Nachttisch

Artikel: WH240923_31

EUR 1.190,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Art Deco Walnuss Wurzelholz antiker Kleiderschrank, Burr Walnut antiker Schrank ca. 1920, Art Deco Schrank Wurzelnussholz Vintage

Art Deco Walnuss Wurzelholz antiker Kleiderschrank, Burr Walnut antiker Schrank ca. 1920, Art Deco Schrank Wurzelnussholz Vintage

Artikel: WH241023_56

EUR 2.790,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Antike Art-Deco Waschgarnitur aus Fayence, Waschschüssel und Krug mit Golddekor

Antike Art-Deco Waschgarnitur aus Fayence, Waschschüssel und Krug mit Golddekor

Artikel: WH240909_22

EUR 165,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Figur des Gottes Horus als Falke, Ägyptische Skulptur in Türkis

Figur des Gottes Horus als Falke, Ägyptische Skulptur in Türkis

Artikel: WH240909_17

EUR 110,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Vintage Straßenschild, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Emailliertes Metallschild mit Goldrahmen und Stadtwappen

Vintage Straßenschild, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Emailliertes Metallschild mit Goldrahmen und Stadtwappen

Artikel: WH240909_21

EUR 35,00

inkl. 19 % USt

zzgl. Versandkosten: ab €150,--

Lieferzeit ca. 7 - 14 Tage

Umweltfreundliches Produkt

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Unique coziness thanks to antique furniture from England

Often it is hand-polished mahogany, oak wood, fine yew, fascinating walnut and noble rosewood that exceptional English furniture are made of. They are classic, timeless and usually crafted by hand, so they are still a rarity. Anyone who owns old English furniture can be considered. A pretty bureau or a breakfont bookcase is often enough to create the typical English London House or country house style to feel comfortable.
Classical accessories such as Tiffany lamps, candlesticks or the Toilet Mirror or Dressing Table can make the rather cool modern style of today more exciting. With this style of decor, you can easily forgo your next trip to the UK and enjoy your English breakfast on your own draw leaf table under your own Tiffany lamp.

Antiques Online – easily search new favourites from home

Which antiques hunter does not like rummaging at flea markets or at antique dealers for old treasures. Unfortunately, you often have to be in the right place at the right time, or argue with other people for the best antiques and English furniture. In our onlineshop you can comfortably and peacefully rummage from the sofa for beautiful antiques and English furniture and they can be delivered quickly and safely right to your home.


The diverse assortment of Chesterfield furniture

Chesterfield furniture are particularly popular due to its high quality. They belong to the standard work of English antiquity and every enthusiast of English furniture should be able to call one of these noble sofas his own.
The English leather sofas are timeless. In their sustainability and elegance, they will be able to find a pleasant place in your living space for the next twenty years. The high investment and costly acquisition will be more than worthwhile.
Especially Chesterfield sofas have a large crowd of fans. Popular and well-known by British and American television, they now find room in the most luxurious hotels and halls in the world. But not only the sofas enjoy a high popularity. In our online shop you will find a wide selection of different Chesterfield furniture. Sofas, armchairs, chairs, stools and more are to be found in the finest variations.
For example Chesterfield chairs are the perfect piece of furniture for the workroom. Elegant and a good alternative to the common office chair, they provide comfortable sitting space for your work area. The good upholstery of the Chesterfield furniture leaves your back spared from pain even after a long day of office work. With the model of the Chesterfield chair, you also have the choice between firmly fixed feet, or the Chesterfield chair with moving wheels.
Also as a supplement in the dining room, the Chesterfield chair can serve very well. However, wherever you place your Chesterfield chair, no matter whether you choose the conventional or the modern version, you should not forget: The English leather chair is an eye-catcher in every living room. It makes your interior decoration shine in the splendor and magnificence of the English Empire. Especially the striking "buttons" provide the elegance and the recognition character of the Chesterfield chairs. The most frequently seen classic in the series of Chesterfield furniture, is the English "wing chair". Its shape and high-quality upholstery ensure a great sitting comfort, which is again emphasized by the English quality of traditional manufacture. As a complement to the English classic the Chesterfield leather stool works well as a piece of furniture in the living area. Rest your feet and start to relax. Our Chesterfield furniture are available in a wide variety of colors and shapes. If you too have been charmed by the English leather sofas, please contact us and we will assist you in choosing your purchase.

The English Entrance Hall: Welcome to my home

In English furnishing culture, the motto is to gracefully welcome every guest. The "Great Hall" is accordingly set up in England. Our excursion into the English interior design culture shows you why the British attach such value on the entrance hall and how you make your personal business card out of your home. Known from famous films about the English nobility, the dark yew or mahogany is still known today. The traditional meaning of the hallway unfortunately moved was surpassed by other rooms of the house in the 18th century and shrunk to meaningless entrance area. A narrow passage, only sparsely decorated. The attention of English furniture makers, was here addressed to the living room. But not much time passed and the once pompous "Great Hall" celebrated her comeback. Inspired by Neo-Gothic style English furniture makers started again to create furniture that was suitable for a lavish entrance hall. The traditional dark furniture regained popularity and the "Great Hall" pushed more and more into the focus of home decor. While the epoch of postmodernism still retained the entrance area as an important area of ​​British society, the traditional interior has been supplemented by new, modern furniture. The dark wooden furniture nowadays also likes to be combined with bright English furniture to bring a fresh breeze into the conservative ambience.


Georgian furniture: furniture for the bourgeoisie

The English culture brings forth many great furniture designers who are still known for producing wonderful English antiques. One of the most famous English furniture makers is William Kent. He was born in the Georgian period, which represented a so-called "transitional period" in English furniture history. King George's reign extended from 1715 to 1740 and the furniture of that time was quite simple. Large ornaments or pompous furniture were rather avoided by the majority of furniture manufacturers.
William Kent was the most popular English furniture designer of the Georgian era. He began his training as a furniture maker in Paris where he learned techniques of French furniture designers which he applied for the production of court furniture in England. Most British furniture makers focused their attention on simple furniture for the bourgeoisie during this period. These were visually simple and noble at the same time. Nevertheless, the pragmatic purpose took precedence over the design.
An example of typical English furniture of the Georgian epoch was the Queen Anne desk. Quite small and simple in its design, in dark wood tones that do not seem noticeable. No big ornaments, just elegant claw feet were enough to bring out the grace of the table.
As already mentioned, the Georgian era was a transitional period for English furniture makers. On the one hand, they took up the style of Queen Anne furniture and made it in the form of simple furniture for the bourgeoisie. However, no distinctive style developed during this period. The wood for the production was simple, ornaments hardly present. It was not until the epoch of "Chippendale" that English furniture was forming again its own distinctive style. The recent use of mahogany came back only in the epoch Chippendale, although it was already used in the Georgian era. Thus one can summarize the English furniture of this epoch as simple bourgeois furniture which, however, provided basement for the thriving Chippendale furniture.


Cozy furniture in country style

How about a new comfortable interior? We highly recommend furniture in English country style. The country style is one of the many British interior styles. British country style is lovely, rustic and sturdy. The furniture is suitable for young and old. Unfortunately country style furnishings have been out of fashion for a long time since they are considered dark, boring and old-fashioned. But actually country house furniture is far more than outdated. The country house style is very complex and consists of four different variations: antique, country range, top range and softwood / teak furniture. Each of these four variants focuses on different accents. Both the material and the purpose of use are very different although they all belong to the category of country house furniture. Country Range furniture is part of the standard range of British country style. The English country style is mostly known for dark and sturdy furniture.  It comes with a high level of quality. For many other antiques maintaining the condition is relatively difficult. But antique country furniture. These are very easy in their care: a cloth to wipe off small dust particles, and the cleaning is done. Families with small children also benefit from antique country furniture. As an additional quality feature, these furniture are imported from England. Country house furniture sets accents, country house furniture stands for coziness, country house furniture is "Classical British".


"Tea Time" with English teatables

Who does not know it from British movies: the Tea Time? A leisurely afternoon with friends and family, with delicious biscuits and a cup of tea. To keep your tea time at home in English style: how about new British furniture?
Tea Time is part of British culture just like the Sunday breakfast to Germany. As furniture for the culinary experience, small tables are preferred in England.
English furniture manufacturers have designed this compact table so that it can be space-saving as well as practically everywhere. Between classy design and quality material, we recommend the "Pempbroke Burle Small Table". The English small table is decorated in dark shades of brown, which brings out its unique shape wonderfully. The Pempbroke Burle mini-table stands for style and grace. But the small table is more than just a classic of the English interior design culture. The English classic can easily be combined with modern furniture. It creates a special atmosphere. Small decorations such as vases can be elegantly placed as an eye-catcher in your living room on the English teatable. Beautiful tea service finds its place, without taking up too much space.



Vintage antiques at Morris Antikshop

Join us on a journey through time and be taken back to the 1950s with our vintage collection. But what does vintage mean? And why is it so important right now? Vintage furniture dates back to the thirties, fourties, fifties and sixties. Unlike our classic English antiques, these pieces of furniture have not seen centuries of cultural life and do not go back to the English royal houses or strong epochal currents. Vintage antiques are pretty young furniture. What vintage furniture lacks in age they definitely have in style. Vintage furniture celebrates its "comeback“ right now. Vintage and retro furniture have developed an innovative style. At an equally rapid pace, the English vintage furniture found its way across the living room back into our hearts - where they will linger for a while.
Vintage furniture radiates a touch of nostalgia wherever they are found. Seeing a room decorated with English vintage furniture one likes to think back to "The good old days". Courage for colors, daring shapes and more makes them so special. One of these sought-after collectibles could soon be in your possession, and is just a click away from you. Vintage stands for prestige.


Furniture antiques at Morris Antikshop

At Morris Antikshop we offer a beautiful selection of English furniture antiques. Some of our antiques come from Germany, France and Sweden and are available in oak, walnut, softwood and many more. Our furniture antiques come from different epochs and are real rarities. If you are looking for furniture antiques at the time of Queen Victoria and King Edward, you will definitely find it here. Furniture antiques fit perfectly into the living space and are of such high quality that you will enjoy their presence for a long time.



English dining tables: A feast for the eye

When hunger strikes there is only one thing you want: quickly get in the kitchen and enjoy some tasty snacks. In order for the gourmet to be perfect in between, a pleasant ambience is just the top of it all. English dining tables provide the perfect interior decoration here. It is one of the oldest pieces of furniture in the history of British antiques. Not only in England, but worldwide, English dining tables has been used for many years in a wide variety of variants and facilities. In its original form, it was designated in its function as a "Refectory Table". Translated, the term roughly means "monastery dining table". It all began in the monasteries of the 16th and 17th centuries. The English dining table was used in the former monasteries in the dining room. Its simple design matched the modest lifestyle, yet provided enough space for a pleasant supper.
However, the "breakthrough" of the English dining table did not take place until the turn of the 18th century. The English furniture manufacturers discovered high-quality woods such as mahogany as a great and aesthetic material. Solid woods, such as mahogany and walnut, began to outpace oak furniture more and more. The English dining table is characterized by its elegant design. Its elongated form is best known in royal films about the English nobility. We recommend the purchase of an extendable English dining table, especially for the dining room. But there are smaller versions. One of our favorite English tables for example, the "Pembroke Table," is an excellent addition to your living room furniture.


The English style: pioneers of furnishing culture

The English interior has always had its very own and, above all, striking style. In 1896, the coveted English antiques came over to Germany for the first time. English architects such as John Ruskin or William Morris have been known throughout much of Europe. On the orders of Emperor Wilhelm, the German architects traveled to the former furniture capital of London to adapt some of the English style. Enthusiasm for English furniture has already mesmerized the whole of Europe. The German architects’ excursion to London turned out to be a pioneering excursion to British architecture. The German furniture makers and architects were able to learn in many ways from the former establishment of the English. The English houses were largely shaped by the spirit of the reform movement, giving them a far-reaching advantage over the rest of Europe. England served in this era, as a role model for Germany. Above all, the Prussian architect Hermann Muthesius let the Germans take part of his discoveries in his three-volume essay "The English House: Development, conditions, installation, construction, equipment and interior”. Muthesius traveled to London on the orders of Emperor Wilhelm to explore the local style. This excursion to England gave Muthesius a pioneering position among the other German architects. After the British example, Muthesius built the first house in 1904 in the style of the reform movement. Despite its great success, the treatise of the Prussian architect was nevertheless no pure hymn of praise to British furniture. Muthesius also criticized the romanticized and idealized style of the British in his work. Above all, the architecture of the houses was, in his view, to be described as very "bizarre".
 However, he praised on a large scale that England was much further along the Germans during this period, and that in many ways Germany could be inspired by English style. Especially the sudden longing for a cozy home let the Germans learn a lot from British architects.

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